group pictureThe consortium consists of four participants with molecular, biochemical, physiological background from the Universit„t Stuttgart (Stuttgart) and German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg), a group which is mostly specialized on mathematical modeling from the University of Wrzburg (Wrzburg), and one industrial participant, the Oncoscience AG (Wedel) which is specialized on medical applications for individualised medicine.

Listed below are the people involved in running FUNCRYPTA, both the adminstrative heads and the members of the consortium. Please click on the members names to send an e-mail or click on homepage and visit their homepage.

, Universit„t Stuttgart, Biological Institute, Zoology, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany (co-ordinator), Homepage

Technische Fachhochschule Wildau
Labor fr Molekularbiologie
Bahnhofstraáe, Geb„ude 15
15745 Wildau (assistant co-ordinator)

, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Protein Analysis Facility, Im Neuenheimer Feld 580, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany, Homepage

, University of Wrzburg, Department of Bioinformatics, Am Hubland/Biozentrum, D-97074 Wrzburg, Germany, Homepage

, Oncoscience AG, HafenstraŸe 32, Abteilung fr Tumorforschung, D-22880 Wedel, Germany, Homepage